Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Birthday Wish List!

image from
We here at the Mac-Meyer farm can NOT believe it has almost been a year since Little V came into our world! We will be having three (yes three) lovely birthday parties, one for just us on her actual birthday, one the following saturday for my side of the family, and one over spring break in South Dakota with Mike's side! Woah.

First I want to say that family and love are all Mike and I want for V's first birthday, but I know people are going to want to buy gifts. Buying for other peoples babies can be tricky, and since our family goes with the less is more mentality, and because I am so freakishly picky, I thought I would compile a list of gifts that would be loved and cherished by V!

Top Ten Green, Organic, Non-Violent and educational toys and gifts:
1. Wooden toys like stakers, puzzles, shape sorting cubes, walkers
2. Cloth dolls, like "Groovy Girls"- Vie LOVES these.
3. Robeez shoes size 12-24 months
4. Savings Bonds for college or life experiences
5. books of all shapes and sizes!!!
6. Sock Monkeys (kind of a theme for our family)
7. Girl Clothes size 18-24 months- separates only- nothing with snaps at the crotch, like body suits or onesies. We really like dresses with leggings
8. Swimming Lessons from the YWCA
9. Music lessons
10. A wooden potty chair.

we like the webistes :,, and,

please no plastic or battery operated toys!

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