Sunday, September 20, 2009

Update from the Farm....

Our world is so busy these days! Violet has started daycare, so that means I have also started back at work. Big sigh. The up side is that our daycare is so wonderful! Violet has made a lot of friends, and she comes home happy and TIRED! We picked this particular daycare for several reasons, but one important one was the art focus. Violet loves to paint! She is very serious and deliberate about her brushstrokes and colors, and she holds her brush so well!

Other developmental highlights include Violets crazy love of dancing and music. She hears music and she starts wiggling and clapping and bopping her head. She is also slowly starting to mimic our words- she can say “woof woof” when she sees a dog, and has a few made up words for her favorite things. Including her bottle- but sad news, the Dr said NO more bottle!

We have wrapped up summer with some great memories- Camping with Grandma and Grandpa Meyer and Aunt Shelia and the boys in Chamberlain, Cousin Lydia’s first birthday, and many adventures on our bikes and around town! The Mac-Meyers are now gearing up for the holiday season. First we have to decide on Halloween costumes for a party at daycare. Mike insists he will be going as his traditional Freddie Kruger and will not hear arguments against the appropriateness of this costume at a party for toddlers. After that we will be making presents again this year to follow our “Debt Free Christmas” custom. I’m thinking sock monkeys this year. Sock Monkeys, Everyone!

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