Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I think mania is an overstatement since I only actually made one...but I PLANNED to make more. This is my first real foray in the art of sewing, uh, actual things. I ordered the Original Rockford Red Heel socks from Joann.com, and the package comes with the pattern for the monkey. I have to say, it was pretty easy, even for a sewing spaz like me. I even learned a new hand sewing stitch, called Double Fold Hidden Secrets, or something equally strange. This little lady went to Lydia for Christmas. Violet might get one for her birthday, IF we decide to lift the lifetime ban on any new toys that placed on our house shortly after opening the 967th present this year.

And yes, the Sock Monkey is chilling in the Nativity Scene. She's down with the baby Jesus okay?

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